Photo by Megan Hodges on Unsplash
Last week I shared tips on How to Store and Prepare Tomatoes. But what about the rest of your summer fruits and veggies? By now your garden (or your friend's garden) is exploding and you're either giving or receiving a bounty of produce. Or maybe your fridge is bursting from your latest CSA delivery. Either way there's a good change that at some point this month you'll end up with more produce than you know what to do with. Canning is an option but can be quite a process. Consider freezing instead.
Add frozen zucchini, green beans and herbs to your favorite soups and stews. Make sauces and salsa with frozen tomatoes. Frozen fruit? Smoothies are the obvious choice. But frozen fruit is also great in cakes, pies, muffins and beverages. Even cucumbers can be frozen. Learn how to freeze your summer fruits and veggies like a pro with this great guide from HGTV and enjoy summer flavors all year long!