8 Egg Substitutes You Need to Know to Survive the Panic Buying Shortage

Panic buying creates shortages and results in higher prices. First it was toilet paper, cleaning supplies, meat and poultry. But now, see the expression on the faces of those poor eggs above? That’s because egg prices are skyrocketing and in short supply.

On your next trip to the grocery store you may not find eggs or you may not be willing to pay 180% more for them. Yes, you read that correctly. That’s how much wholesale egg prices increased in March and many retailers will have no choice but to pass that onto consumers if they have not already. Thankfully, a little food science knowledge goes a long way and you will be prepared with these 8 egg substitutes.

Note: The following substitutions are best for recipes with no more than 3 eggs with one exception. Read on!

Flax Eggs

Best for: Baking and cooking.

Formula: 1 TBSP ground flax + 3 TBSP warm water = 1 Egg

Flax is packed with nutrients and high in fiber. It has a nutty flavor, which works well in baking and savory applications requiring a binder like meatloaves and meatballs. Whisk together and let stand for 1 minute to thicken before using. Try it in your pancakes or this Guilt Free Oatmeal Cookie recipe.

Pureed Fruit

Best for: Baking

Formula: 1/4 cup = 1 egg.

Pureed fruits add a lot of moisture and natural sweetness to baked goods. Our favorites are applesauce, mashed bananas and canned pumpkin. If your using this substitute in something that needs leavening like bread or cake then add 1/2 tsp baking powder per egg.

Mashed Potatoes

Best for: Baking and Cooking

Formula: 1/4 cup mashed = 1 egg

Mashed potatoes add moisture and work as a binder but the more neutral flavor broadens their use. Try it in savory applications like meatloaves and meatballs and all types of burgers.

Creamy Nut Butter

Best for: Baking

Formula: 3 TBSP = 1 egg

Sugar free nut butter is a healthy fat high in protein like eggs. Avoid chunky varieties as they don’t bind like creamy nut butters and they will affect the texture.

Silken Tofu

Best for: Baking, Recipes with more than 3 eggs and Smoothies

Formula: 1/4 cup whipped = 1 egg

Since tofu has a denser texture than eggs it’s best used in things like brownies or chocolate mousse. If you take your smoothies Rocky-style, try substituting raw egg with silken tofu for protein and a thicker texture.

Baking Soda & Vinegar

Best for: Baking

Formula: 1 tsp baking soda + 1 TBSP white vinegar = 1 egg

This is a fun one to try with the kids because of the bubbly science experiment effect it creates. This combination leavens baked goods so its a good one for baking bread.

Water, Vegetable Oil and Baking Powder

Best for: Baking

Formula: 2 TBSP water + 1 TBSP vegetable oil + 1 TBSP white vinegar

This one is a little oily, it’s best if you only need 1-2 eggs.


Best for: Baking, Condiments, Cocktails!

Formula: 3 TBSP liquid = 1 Egg

You probably have this on hand even if you don’t know what it is - the liquid from canned beans! Typically it’s made with the liquid from chickpeas. It’s neutral tasting once cooked and extremely versatile. It can be whipped for an egg white substitute and even shaken to make foam for your cocktails!