It's National Eat Better, Eat Together Month. Here's How You Can Do That!


Did you know research shows that a whopping 70% of excess sodium in the American diet comes from processed foods and restaurant meals?

Given our growing reliance on to-go meals and convenience foods it’s a good time to evaluate what we can do to curb preventable health issues. The FDA is responding by setting new limits for food manufacturers, chain restaurants and food service operators - focusing largely on processed and take-out food. But that’s out of your control and the limits voluntary.

The good news is that you can take matters into your own hands. October is National Eat Better, Eat Together Month. Eating together has known nutrition, health, mental and social benefits. But it can be challenging in our fast-paced environment. Here are few tips to get you on the path:

Pick a Meal, Any Meal - Make it a goal to eat at least on meal together a day. It doesn’t matter what meal that is. Pick the one that will give you the most time to connect with each other.

Cook Together - Whether eating with friends, family or a loved one, get everyone involved, even the kids, in planning and preparing the meal together. Children are more likely to take interest in the food and try new things when they’re part of the process.

Keep it Interesting; Keep it Simple - Meat and Potatoes family? That’s cool. Experiment with herbs and seasonings to come up with your own spice rub, stir-ins and toppings. Adventurous eaters? Try this. Soup Lover? Reduce your sodium intake by making your own soups at home in batches and freezing them or make a big pot for the week. Back off on the salt by using no or low sodium chicken stock and increase the flavors with fresh herbs. Pump up the nutrition with bone broth.

Ask for Help - Maybe planning and cooking isn’t your thing but improving the quality of your meals and increasing your time together is a top priority. It’s O.K. to ask for help and a personal chef is a great solution.